
Whew what a long day!

Today and yesterday have been VERY long days!  Between working early morning to early evening, then having to run errands and finalize all sorts of things before the week starts over for me, I am wiped out!  Doctor's appointment for me tomorrow afternoon, and the D-Man has his 15 month check up on Wednesday.  Patrick's birthday is Wednesday as well, so we'll have to do something for that.  He's gonna be 29, LOL!!!  And 4 months after that to the day, I'll be 24.  Scary how old I feel, when I'm really not.

At some point this week, I have to make it out to Deb in SOCO mall to find a dress for my photo shoot on March 2nd, and then for a party in April.  Yes, that's right- photo shoot.  Me.  Scary.  It's nothing big time, it doesn't even pay- it's just a chance to check off an item on my bucket list, so I said yes.  Totally exciting though!

Not such an interesting update, but I'm tired and I'm sure I'll have more things to add later.  I'm off to bed for now!

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