
Today's adventure

So most of you may not know the recent events...Dylan's father and I decided to get back together.  This is a super scary idea for me because of our history, but I know that if I don't give him a chance to be the person he says he wants to be, I'll regret it later.

So today was our 2 year anniversary.  Scary!!!  2 years ago today, I never would have imagined my life the way it is now.  I'm happy though, with how things have turned out!

We took Dylan to SoCo mall today, and after he woke up from his nap and had lunch, Dylan ran around like crazy at the play area.  We ran into a friend of mine from work with his wife and stepdaughter.  The kids sort of played together, but not really.  Dylan's still learning how to interact with kids his own age.  I think this summer will be time for daycare or something...

After the mall, we went back to Patrick's house, Dyl had a little dinner while I finished up and submitted my algebra homework.  I have a ton of photos and video to upload and edit but all of that will be done after Dyl goes to bed.  Work and microeconomics tomorrow :-)

Guess it's time to get off here for now, Dyl is curled into his bed.  I think he's tired :-)

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